Bonnie and Clyde

Posted: December 19th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Cats, Doggies | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

These two guys are  stuck together like each other’s shadow… Lock your house, safe your properties they can be seen everywhere. I know them personally, they were pillageing my house while I was out. They were eating my chocholate, the dog food, arranged my stuff, chewing the bread… I called the police but they could not do anything. So, I suggest you, be careful with them. You can see these thiefs on this pic.

kifli and spenot in the bed

One Comment on “Bonnie and Clyde”

  1. 1 eva said at 2:12 pm on December 20th, 2009:

    Congratulations! Your short story about thief-friends is very funny :) I like it! I’m waiting for the next one.

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